Besides that calling inside you, here are five more reasons why you should get your PADI Open Water certification now!

Reason 1- Explore more

70% of the Earth is covered with water. So if you love exploring and adventures on land, you'll love that Scuba Diving allows you to explore some of the 70% that is underwater like wrecks, reefs and caves- really go see the world!

Reason 2 - Marine Life

Scuba diving allows you to observe marine habitats and swim with colorful fish. Dolphins, Manta Rays, sharks, sea turtles and whales? Enough said. 

Reason 3 - Learn More

Because scuba diving allows you to be in such close proximity to marine animals and their habitats, you will learn more about the oceans and grow to care for it. Plus, you will also be able to impress your friends with the new knowledge you learn from your dives. 

Reason 4 - New Friends

Once you start scuba diving, you will be introduced to a whole new community of people who love diving, have tons of stories to share and understand scuba humor.

Reason 5 - Get Into Shape

Scuba diving is hard work. Hauling equiptment around, kicking against the current and event getting out of your wetsuit after multiple dives all require stamina and strength. Scuba diving will help you build a stronger body.


  • Nikita

    Hi, I have no scuba diving experience but interesting in learning.
    Would it be possible to take the free diving training before I take Padi Open water?

  • Anna Collins

    I appreciate that you mentioned how scuba diving is a great method to keep your body in good shape and build strength and stamina. I thought about getting a new hobby after freeing more time in my work schedule, and scuba diving seems like a fun idea. I’ll have to look into where I can get a scuba diving certification so I can enjoy the experience more.

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